Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ismail Ax

I wish everyone would stop trying to figure out what made that asshole do what he did. He doesnt deserve the attention. They need to take his picture down and stop saying his name. That is all that he wanted - to make everyone listen to him - because he is right, he knows the "truth", he understands how we are supposed to act. He was a lunatic, plain and simple. His deranged mind made him do what he did.

He was trying to send us a message by writing that shit on his arm? Yeah, whatever. Fuck him. I don't need to get whatever message he wanted to send me. Return to sender.

I hope that the families of his victims know that Satan is soaking him in the same vat of urine with Mohamad Atta - and he is going to skin them together at his next party for entertainment.


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