Thursday, March 29, 2007

Guantanamo Now

The inmates (captives, prisoners, detainees, whatever) of Gitmo are subjected to torture? Please. Try having a sick child or two - and over the course of the illness (generally, 3 to 4 days) you get woken up EVERY time you JUST drop off to sleep.

Better yet, try being the only male in TWO households of females. The prisoners in Gitmo have at least some hope that their situation is going to improve....

Acknowledging the fact that there are certainly SOME prisoners of Gitmo who are shouldn't be there (their only crime being at the wrong place at the wrong time), the large majority of the inmate population are radical muslim fundamentalists who, presumably, enjoy nothing better than to sit around, read the Koran and bitch about the infidels. Hey, I've lived in the Middle East - I KNOW the first one is true. They don't have to cook. They don't have to go shopping. They don't have to do SHIT. Well, in fact, they do that quite a bit given that the meals that are prepared for them (according to Islamic guidelines, no less) total 4,200 calories per day (See and they only get TWO HOURS OF RECREATION TIME. Think about that for a second - 2 hours of recreation time? I don't get that in a fucking week, let alone a day.

That's torture? No, no, no, no. That would be like making me watch ESPN all day while force feeding me beer and pizza. Sign me up.

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